Hallowe'en safety tips

Hi there, I wanted to share some last minute tips to keep safe tomorrow night while you're trick or treating.
I know most of them you already know but you just in case you forgot:
- Keep costumes short enough that they won't create a tripping hazard.
- Whenever you can please wear reflective clothing or accesories
- Bring flashlights with you.
- Always travel with a group, stick close together and make sure you're all together when you leave each house.
- If you need to wear a mask make sure the eye holes are BIG, use scissors (with your parents if you're young) to cut them bigger if they aren't big enough, makeup is best though.
- If you decide to wear a mask, lift or remove it before you cross a street or driveway.
- Avoid fireworks and firecrackers, in case your costume catches fire remember STOP-DROP and ROLL.
- Have your parents check your candy before eating it, don't eat anything that's not in it's original package or is homemade (unless your parents say it's ok and know the person who gave it to you).
- Don't go to houses that have no lights or front porch light on.
- If you are old enough to trick or treat without an adult (just your group of friends) make sure your parents know the route you will take and when to expect you home.
- Bring a watch you can read in the dark (in case your flashlight battery runs out).
- Never go into a strangers home.
- Be careful with strange animals, often with the noise of firecrackers and firewroks, coupled with strange looking kids in costumes, animals can become very scared and may become aggresive. Always ask before you pet a strange dog.
I hope everyone has a great, safe halloween!
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